
17 May

Most students find that their dissertation proposal research gets bounced back time and again as the committee will always see an underlying fault in the proposal. The committee determines if a project is worth taking up by the student and the committee in terms of time and effort and the worth of its possible findings.

We give you 5 small steps into minimizing the risk of getting your dissertation research proposal bounced back
1st small step:

Zero in on a subcategory of your field and find a particular zone of study, or a driving concern for your work. Make it narrow enough to limit your research enough that it is significant to your field and worthy of your work.

2nd small step:

Try writing out 5 different versions of your thesis sentence and use the sentence that is conceptually clear on what you want to write about to people who are not in your field. Once you get it done the rest will flow through.

3rd small step:

Follow your program’s dissertation proposal guidelines, as per your university’s requirement. If you are still confused sketch an outline with your advisor of what should be included in a proposal research to make it pass.

4th small step:

Do not delay starting your research proposal. When you write a sentence or two, they start calling out a life of their own. The words want another question answered, leading to another footnote and parenthetical remark. Brainstorming in writing helps.

5th small step:

Consider your dissertation the start of a life-long project, as being the first idea to an entire frame of research that can be done. That’s why we highly recommend focusing on your research proposal with discipline and on one feature of your key idea so that it is manageable


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